Energy & Finance Master

General information of the faculty

The course is organised and supervised by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Further information can be found on the Faculty's website.

Language requirements

The language of all Master’s programmes (except Wirtschaftsinformatik/Business Information Systems, BWL - Energy and Finance and Gesundheitsökonomik/Health Economics) is German. Nearly all courses and exams are held in German. Thus, it is required for applicants to speak and write German fluently. Applicants who achieved their Bachelor degree in a non-German speaking-country have to prove their knowledge of German with a German language certificate, e.g. Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH) (at least level 2) or Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Test DaF) (at least TDN 4 in all tests). You find further information about learning German and different tests in your area at: Link
For studying at university you should have knowledge of German at level B2 to C1 of the European language assessment grid (cf. Link).

For further information on the Energy & Finance program click here.

Due to technical restraints, the following websites are provided in German only.