Completed Theses
Ein Literaturüberblick über die Renditevorhersagekraft des branchenweiten Leerverkaufsvolumens (BA)
- Type:
- Bachelor Thesis Business Administration
- Status:
- completed
- Kenntnisse: Grundlagen der Statistik; Ökonometrie
- Huszár, Z. R., Tan, R. S., & Zhang, W. (2017). Do short sellers exploit industry information?. Journal of Empirical Finance, 41, 118-139.
- Choi, N., & Sias, R. W. (2009). Institutional industry herding. Journal of financial economics, 94(3), 469-491.
- Chung, C. Y., Liu, C., & Wang, K. (2021). The big picture: The industry effect of short interest. International Review of Financial Analysis, 76, 101760.