Market Design Workshop
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The integration of fluctuating renewable energy production at low costs is a major challenge for European electricity systems. In this context innovative concepts for future grid management including market-based mechanisms are required to support the energy transition in Europe. Thus, it is key to consider the grid, market and regulatory perspectives jointly. The workshop therefore aims to discuss the issues and solutions for future smart market designs from different points of view. The House of Energy Markets and Finances invites all interested researchers, practitioners and students to join our event.
When? 27. September 2016 from 09:30 to 16:30
Where? At the University Duisburg-Essen, room S07 S00 D07 (Getting to the venue)
Speakers at the workshop:
- Dr. Oliver John, Amprion GmbH
- Dr. Barbara Praetorius, Agora Energiewende
- Mr Rickard Nilsson & Mr Pietro Rabassi, Nord Pool AS
- Dr. Ralf Sitte, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
- Dr. Malte Sunderkötter, EWE NETZ GmbH
- Dr. Philippe Vassilopoulos, EPEX Spot SE
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber, House of Energy Markets and Finance (HEMF)
- Mr Achim Zerres, Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA)
Moderation: Ms Fabiane Buchheister, EWE AG
During and after the event you got the oppotunity to talk with the experts or discuss with other participants from the event. Please find the detailled agenda of the event below or on page two of the following pdf-file.